For the love of the game.
Does a blog centered around one of the least-successful professional sports teams in North America need to exist? Hmm. Is this a personal website conspicuously masquerading as a sports blog?
Yes, and yes. Unabashedly, of course. In what's been an adult-long dream of mine to attain a Master’s degree, I created this website so as to better promote myself. In my efforts to decide what content to provide, I figured why not marry my interest in and devotion to this sad sack of a team with my budding knowledge in data analytics. Thus, this website was born - forever now, reveling in the dregs of cyberspace. I hope that in graciously providing me your time, you might receive some light entertainment and maybe even learn a little something! Up next - some fun facts about me!
This is Me
Take it or leave it.
California Raisin'
Born & Raised in South Central, LA. Currently residing in NJ.
I Mean Business
I have a B.S. in Business Management from Rutgers.
K-Pop Star
I currently work for a language-service company, specializing in the Korean language.
I worked in Australia for half-a-year for a tech company led by members of the Deaf community.
Master of None
I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Data Analytics.
I used to be a soccer goalie. Not a very good one.
It's Timeeeeeee!
I am a huge MMA fan. I have a taekwondo background and am currently training boxing.
Game On
I love video games, especially story-driven, grounded ones with a beginning and an end. None of that dragon stuff or magical nonsense.
Ball So Hard
I am a member of an E-sports team that ranked as one of the top competitive Pro-Am teams in NBA 2K21.
Pack Your Knives
I love to cook. Korean stews are my specialty. I am a huge proponent of the daikon radish. You come to my kitchen, and I’ll extoll its virtues.
This is Thatcher
I am a proud dog dad. I wanted to name her after a strong woman. It was between Margaret Thatcher & Cleopatra. Survey says? I made the wrong choice.